[me″ze-o-ŏ-kloo´zal] pertaining to or formed by the mesial and occlusal surfaces of a tooth, or the mesial and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity. What is excessive occlusion?
Excessive occlusal force is defined as occlusal force that exceeds the reparative capacity of the periodontal attachment apparatus, which results in occlusal trauma and/or causes excessive tooth wear (loss).

What changes in the periodontal ligament are produced by occlusal trauma?

Traumatic occlusion may cause a thickening of the cervical margin of the alveolar bone and widening of the periodontal ligament, although the latter is can also be caused by other processes. What does Mesio mean?
Combining form meaning mesial (especially in dentistry). [G. mesos, middle]

What class is a Mesio occlusion?

The two types of mesio-occlusion are developmental (true Class III) and acquired. 2. In acquired mesio-occlusion the mandible can be retruded comfortably so that maxillary and mandibular incisors meet edge to edge. What is the most common manifestation of occlusal trauma?

The most common clinical feature of secondary occlusal trauma is significant tooth mobility. Other common findings (in addition to those noted with primary occlusal trauma) include drifting and tipping of the teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Can periodontitis be caused by trauma?

Conclusions. Occlusal trauma does not initiate periodontitis, and there is weak evidence that it alters the progression of the disease.

Can tooth mobility be reversed?

However, the tooth mobility is typically reversible and the tooth returns to normal level of mobility once the bruxism is controlled.

Can occlusion be fixed?

Most people get occlusion bites fixed because it makes their smile more attractive and boosts their confidence. People who want to fix their bite for this reason often pursue an Invisalign dentist because the aligners are more physically attractive than traditional wire braces.

What is Coronoplasty?

Abstract: Coronoplasty is the selective reduction of occlusal areas with the primary purpose influencing the. mechanical contact, conditions & the neural patterns of sensory input. In addition to establishing an ideal occlusion, premature contacts & occluslal disharmonies are eliminated.

What’s a gum pocket?

How is occlusal trauma treated?

Traumatic occlusion is mostly treated by a procedure called occlusal equilibration in which the chewing and biting surfaces of teeth are grinded to achieve balance and proper alignment. By doing so the pressure on individual teeth is lessened, thereby making them less susceptible to becoming weak or contaminated.

Does occlusal trauma cause bone loss?

35 Based on the findings of these studies, it was concluded that without plaque-induced inflammation, occlusal trauma does not cause irreversible bone loss or loss of connective tissue attachment. Therefore, occlusal trauma is not a causative agent of periodontitis.

How is primary occlusal trauma treated?

For a bruxer, the treatment of the patient’s primary occlusal trauma could involve selective grinding of certain interarch tooth contacts or using a nightguard to protect the teeth from normal occlusal forces.

What is mesial and distal?

Mesial and distal — These are the sides that come into contact with adjacent teeth. The mesial side faces the front of the mouth. The distal side faces the back of the mouth. Cusps — The parts of the occlusal surface that are raised.

What is the biting surface of a tooth called?

Occlusal or Incisal: (Top of Tooth) — This is the tooth surface that is used for cutting, biting, or chewing. Types of Teeth (Anterior Teeth are the teeth located in front of your mouth while Posterior teeth are the teeth located in the back of your mouth.

What does Mesio distal mean?

me·si·o·dis·tal. (mē’zē-ō-dis’tăl), Denoting the plane or diameter of a tooth cutting its mesial and distal surfaces.

What is class1 bite?

Class I. A normal bite (stripe indicates alignment of molars) Class I is a normal relationship between the upper and lower teeth and jaws, or balanced bite.

Can braces fix class 3 malocclusion?

In patients with non-developing Class III malocclusions of mild to moderate skeletal discrepancy, non-surgical compensation can be achieved with orthodontic tooth movement alone.

What is class 3 bite?

Class III bites are often referred to as an underbite. This occurs when the lower molars are positioned more towards the front of your mouth than the upper molars. As a result, your lower teeth and jaw project out beyond the upper teeth and jaw.

What is occlusal drifting?

The migration of a tooth from its normal position in the dental arch. Drifting may be due to periodontal disease, loss of proximal support, loss of a functional opposing tooth, traumatic occlusal tooth relationships, or oral habits such as digit sucking.

What does PDL widening mean?

A vertical bone defect develops when bone loss progresses down the root of the teeth in association with a deep periodontal pocket. In its early stage, this phenomenon appears as abnormal PDL widening (Fig. 3).

What causes widening of PDL?

PDL widening occurs in trauma from occlusion, but in association with angular bone defects and mobility of teeth. However, in scleroderma, involved teeth are often not mobile and their gingival attachments are usually intact.

What is a Mucogingival deformity?

MUCOGINGIVAL DEFORMITY: A departure from the normal dimension and morphology of, and/or interrelationship between gingiva and alveolar mucosa; the abnormality may be associated with a deformity of the underlying alveolar bone. #DiagnosticTerminology.

Do gums grow back after trauma?

In most cases, your gum tissue will not come back once you’ve lost it. It’s gone for good.

What is a Suprabony pocket?

Suprabony Pocket: A periodontal pocket with a base coronal to the alveolar bone. Infrabony Pocket: A periodontal pocket that extends into an intrabony periodontal defect.

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