Find another word for indiscriminate. In this page you can discover 48 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for indiscriminate, like: chaotic, disorganized, indistinguishable, confused, indiscrimination, wholesale, heterogeneity, promiscuity, unrestraint, discriminating and selective. What is considered an indiscretion?
1 : lack of discretion : imprudence dietary indiscretion. 2a : something (such as an act or remark) marked by lack of discretion. b : an act at variance with the accepted morality of a society resigned because of financial indiscretions.

What does it mean to feel perplexed?

1 : filled with uncertainty : puzzled. 2 : full of difficulty. What does indiscriminate violence mean?
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) understands the term ‘indiscriminate’ to encompass ‘acts of violence not targeted at a specific object or individual, as well as acts of violence which are targeted at a specific object or individual but the effects of which may harm others’. (

How do you use indiscriminate in a sentence?

Indiscriminate in a Sentence

  1. When it came to eating candy, the little boy was indiscriminate and would eat anything sweet.
  2. Becca regretted her indiscriminate choice in men when her boyfriend cleared out her bank account.
  3. The terrorist had no plan and simply made indiscriminate attacks against his own nation.

What is social indiscretion?

Noun. A breach of good manners.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is Indiscretionary a word?

lack of discretion; imprudence. an indiscreet act, remark, etc.

What does it mean when a person is pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What is accumulation in learning?

Learner’s definition of ACCUMULATE. 1. [+ object] : to gather or acquire (something) gradually as time passes. She has slowly accumulated [=amassed] a fortune.

What happens when something accumulates?

Accumulation occurs when the quantity of something is added to or increases over time. In finance, accumulation more specifically means increasing the position size in one asset, increasing the number of assets owned/positions, or an overall increase in buying activity in an asset.

What does accumulate mean in biology?

Who is a perplexed person?

Use the adjective perplexed to describe someone who is utterly baffled or confused. If you’ve ever studied for the wrong test and been surprised and confused by the exam in front of you, you’ve been perplexed. There’s a particular bewildered kind of facial expression that goes along with the word perplexed.

What is the definition of Proplex?

to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain; confuse mentally:Her strange response perplexed me. to make complicated or confused, as a matter or question. to hamper with complications, confusion, or uncertainty.

Can a person be perplexing?

An example of someone who would be described as perplexed is a person who is trying to solve a complicated math problem that she has no idea how to start. Full of doubt or uncertainty; puzzled.

Is the meaning of indiscriminately?

adjective. not discriminating; lacking in care, judgment, selectivity, etc.: indiscriminate in one’s friendships. not discriminate; haphazard; thoughtless: indiscriminate slaughter. not kept apart or divided; thrown together; jumbled: an indiscriminate combination of colors and styles.

What does indiscriminate Lee mean?

/ˌɪn.dɪˈskrɪm.ə.nə uk. /ˌɪn.dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.nə in a way that does not show careful choice or planning, usually with harmful results: They fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

What does the word disproportionate?

: having or showing a difference that is not fair, reasonable, or expected : too large or too small in relation to something. See the full definition for disproportionate in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

How do you use Tenet in a sentence?

Tenet in a Sentence

  1. According to the church’s tenet, ministers are forbidden to marry so they can give their entire souls to God.
  2. Many people believe the tenet that parents should be responsible for the behaviors of their children.

How do you use prognosticate in a sentence?

Prognosticate in a Sentence

  1. Using computer technology, meteorologists attempt to prognosticate the future.
  2. The sports writer believes he can prognosticate the Super Bowl champions based on last year’s statistics.
  3. Every year, many foolish people pay fortunetellers to prognosticate their futures.

How do you use insuperable in a sentence?

Insuperable in a Sentence

  1. No matter how hard the kitten tried, it could not face the insuperable challenge of climbing back down the tree.
  2. Charles is a foolish dreamer who comes up with insuperable plans that he never achieves.

What is dietary indiscretion in humans?

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a binge involves an episode of dietary indiscretion, where an abnormally large amount of food is consumed in a short period, and the individual feels that they do not have control over the amount they are eating.

What does indiscreet mean in English?

: not having or showing good judgment : revealing things that should not be revealed He is indiscreet about his friend’s secrets. Other Words from indiscreet. indiscreetly adverb.

What is a impropriety?

1 : an improper or indecorous act or remark especially : an unacceptable use of a word or of language. 2 : the quality or state of being improper.

What’s a non discretionary?

: not left to discretion or exercised at one’s own discretion : not discretionary nondiscretionary purchases such as food and housing During the first half of the 1990s, Americans were forced to spend more for certain nondiscretionary items …— Cheryl Russell.

What is the difference between discretionary and non discretionary spending?

While non-discretionary expenses are considered mandatory—housing, taxes, debt, and groceries—discretionary expenses are any costs incurred above and beyond what is deemed necessary. These are generally considered wants, while non-discretionary expenses are usually referred to as needs.

What does Pridantic mean?

ostentatious in one’s learning. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

What does it mean to be obtuse?

2a : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid He is too obtuse to take a hint. b : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression It is also, unfortunately, ill-written, and at times obtuse and often trivial.—

What does Exhortative mean?

Definitions of exhortative. adjective. giving strong encouragement. synonyms: exhortatory, hortative, hortatory encouraging. giving courage or confidence or hope.

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