Personality disorders. In general, Arthur appears to have a complex mix of features of certain personality traits, namely narcissism (since he craves attention by any means) and psychopathy (since he demonstrates no empathy for his victims). Why is Joker movie so controversial?
Todd Phillips’ Joker (2019) sparked considerable controversy leading up to its release. Joker deals with many thematically disturbing elements — mental health, political violence, and an “incel”-like protagonist. Despite these concerns surrounding the Joker movie controversy, the movie did not inspire violence.

Who is Joker’s girlfriend?

Harley Quinn Punchline The Joker / Significant others Harley Quinn, born Harleen Frances Quinzel, was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who was turned into an insane criminal and girlfriend of the Joker. Quinzel is often recruited for Task Force X. Why does Arthur laugh in Joker?
Whether Arthur truly has a condition or not, one question remains: Is uncontrollable laughter a real condition? The answer is yes. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Trust, the condition is called the pseudobulbar affect.

How did Joker go insane?

Batman’s interference causes him to leap into a chemical vat, which disfigures him. This, combined with the trauma of his wife’s earlier accidental death, causes him to go insane and become the Joker. What is the message of movie Joker?

Joker is an unkind movie, with audiences left to watch as Arthur Fleck is beaten down by the streets, the system, and his own mental health issues. While it’s an origin story about the Clown Prince of Crime, Todd Phillips actually believes his Golden Globe winning movie is about kindness and empathy.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is wrong with the Joker movie?

The Problem With Joker Isn’t Its Brutal Violence. … The movie, directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix, is marked by some unhinged brutality and more than a little hero worship of a villainous character. But art, of any sort, can’t and doesn’t cause violence.

What’s wrong with the Joker?

He has bipolar disorder type 1, most recent episode manic, severe, with psychotic features, and he also has Pseudobulbar affect. That can be treated by medication. He would need to take a mood stabilizer that will help with the mania. He would also need to take antipsychotic medication for the delusions.

Why Joker killed his mother?

Having found legal documents from Arkham which confirm his suspicions, Arthur kills her while in custody of the medical hospital by smothering her with a pillow in revenge for all years of lies and the abuse during his childhood.

What age is Joker for?

What is the age rating of Joker? According to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), Joker is a 15, meaning only those aged 15 and older are allowed to see it. Children younger than 15 are not permitted to watch the film, even if they are accompanied by an adult.

Was the Joker a good guy?

What is Joker name?

Jack Napier The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. He also reveals his real name: Jack Napier. Napier spends all of his efforts revealing how Batman’s false heroics actually only lead to creator corruption in Gotham City.

Why Harley Quinn and Joker broke up?

The reason for this? Suicide Squad cut and re-shot original scenes to make the relationship less abusive. Based on the first trailer for the movie, rumors from test screenings, and footage from the set, the original version of Harley Quinn and Joker in Suicide Squad was true to the comics.

Does Joker get a new girlfriend?

DC Comics has finally revealed the killer origin of Punchline, the Joker’s new girlfriend. In The Joker 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular, the rise of Punchline is finally explained, showcasing how DC’s newest villain got her start and why she worships the Clown Prince of Crime.

Why does Joker lick his lips?

In the documentary I Am Heath Ledger (via Digital Spy) it’s revealed that, in order to keep the prosthetics in their place as they got loose when he spoke, Ledger had to lick his makeup to keep it in place, and it ended up becoming part of the Joker’s manic personality, as well as his most memorable mannerism.

Why is the Joker so skinny?

To get into the character of Arthur Fleck, Phoenix lost 52 pounds for the role by eating a restrictive diet that was supervised by a doctor. Phoenix said the weight loss gave him a sense of control and the confidence to dig deep into the Joker’s persona.

Is the Joker sad?

Technically, the film is very well made, and the performances are great all around. Phoenix’s portrayal is both believable and soul-crushingly sad. … But there isn’t a spot of dark humor to be found from this film, which makes a point to show that Arthur Fleck/Joker is a failed comedian — not funny at all.

Who killed the Joker?

Batman Finally Kills the Joker in Titans Season 3 | CBR.

Why is Joker a villain?

Joker is the greatest villain because he’s the most suited to his opposite, the hero, who also happens to be the greatest superhero: Batman. Villains are rarely created without a hero in mind and Joker was created to challenge Batman specifically, a non-powered superhero, hence Joker’s lack of superpowers as well.

Is the Joker a true story?

It’s an unsettling and tense moment in Joker that’s actually rooted in real-world events: the same events chronicled in episode 2 of Trial By Media, which tells the story of Bernhard Goetz, the Subway Vigilante. When Arthur pulls the trigger in that fateful moment, he becomes Gotham’s own subway vigilante — just like …

What happens at the end of the movie the Joker?

The film ends with him having killed the psychiatrist (denoted by the bloodstains coming from his footprints) and being chased around the asylum. … But even here, the film is in an awkward middle ground as it tries to explain the Joker’s origins while not trying to invest any reveal with deeper meaning.

Was the Joker all in his head?

1. It’s all in his head. Before the credits roll on Joker, audiences are asked to suspend all belief that what they’ve been watching is actually true. As the movie heads into its final chapter, it becomes increasingly clear that the Harlequin of Hate has been telling a few porky pies.

Is Joker bad or good?

The Joker — despite what Cesar Romero’s portrayal in Adam West’s Batman or Jack Nicholson’s Joker might make you believe — is not a child-friendly villain, nor a villain that’s going to make you feel upbeat. He isn’t a good guy. He’s a psychopath. He has his own vision of the world that the world is not right.

Who played the best Joker?

Heath Ledger 1. Heath Ledger. To many, Heath Ledger will always be the ultimate Joker. As the main villain of the second, and ultimately most critically acclaimed, part of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, Ledger’s Joker was nothing like those who came before him.

Why is Joker so sad?

Why so serious? is a famous line from the movie The Dark Knight. Spoken by the villainous Joker, it plays on his clownish appearance and cheerful demeanor, which stays in place even while he does violent or gruesome things.

What mental illnesses does Harley Quinn have?

Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn’s life. People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are “pervasive and excessive emotionally and display attention-seeking behavior” (Bornstein 1998).

Is the Joker movie disturbing?

Todd Phillips’ Joker is by far the most deeply disturbing and unsettling movie to hit theater screens in 2019. The film is unconnected to Warner Bros. … A mentally ill clown-for-hire, Joker sees Fleck grow more and more out of touch with reality over the course of the story, leading to murderous results.

Who is the joker’s dad?

Thomas Wayne Brett Cullen portrays Thomas Wayne in the 2019 film Joker.

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