What are examples of life chances?
Weber used the term life chances (Lebenschancen in German) to describe the opportunities to increase one’s position in the social class structure. Categories that affect life chances include the social class one is born into, geographic location, family ancestry, race, ethnicity, age, and gender. What are life chances based on? The idea of life chances […]
What is the main active ingredient in 2nd generation antidepressants?
The latest second-generation antidepressants approved for the treatment of MDD in adults include desvenlafaxine, the major active metabolite of venlafaxine; agomelatine, a melatonergic agonist with 5-HT2 antagonism; and vortioxetine, a serotonin modulator and stimulator. What are 2 anti depressant medications? SSRIs include fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa) and escitalopram (Lexapro). Serotonin […]
Is it better to smoke tobacco or cigarettes?
There’s no proof they are healthier or safer than other cigarettes, nor is there good reason to think they would be. Smoke from all cigarettes, natural or otherwise, has many chemicals that can cause cancer (carcinogens) and toxins that come from burning the tobacco itself, including tar and carbon monoxide. When did cigarettes get put […]
What does the Hebrew word qohelet translate to in English?
Vanity (mataiotes) is the same word with which the LXX translates the famous Hebrew word hebel (filth, rubbish, garbage, frustration,, vacuum) in Ecclesiastes (Qohelet). What does the author of Ecclesiastes mean when he says fear God and keep His commandments quizlet? – Fear God – i.e., get to know God as He really is. • […]
What does infiltration mean in medical terms?
Infiltrate: To penetrate. For example, a cancer may grow into, or infiltrate, surrounding tissues. Can benign tumors infiltrate? Benign neoplasms do not invade or metastasise (spread), whereas malignant neoplasms show evidence of invasion (or infiltration) into adjacent tissues, often in a destructive way and many will undergo metastasis (spread to other sites in the body […]
What is the iron triangle quizlet?
The Iron Triangle The relationship between congress(especially Sub-Committees), Government agencies(Bureaucracy), and interest groups. This helps create policy in the United States and all 3 parts want to protect their own self interests. Which of the following are the components of an iron triangle? The iron triangle, sometimes called a subgovernment, consists of interest groups, members […]
Why does natural law theory think we can derive morality from nature?
Natural law theory is a moral theory that holds that there is an objective moral good and bad, right and wrong, that this is knowable by natural human reason, and is derived from human nature and its inherent orientation to its fulfillment and well functioning. … They tell how we believe nature does behave. What […]
How do you determine ability to pay?
Calculation of ability to pay The ability to pay is calculated based on your income in calendar year T-2. From that income, an ability to pay exemption is deducted. Your ability to pay per year is then 12% of the income above the exemption. What does financial capacity mean? Financial capacity refers to the ability […]
What is S-tag and C tag?
In this double tagging, the C-Tag (customer tag) is the inner tag set by the customer. The S-Tag is the outer tag next to the MAC address. What is S-tag in vector? S-tag is the name of an oligopeptide derived from pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A). … On DNA-level the S-tag can be attached to […]
What is filter capacity?
A filter’s capacity is often expressed as a chemical-specific theoretical volume that it has the capacity to retain before saturation for that chemical. For example, a filter is rated to hold 250mLs of xylene, then the theoretical volume capacity of that filter for xylene is 250mLs. How do you calculate filter capacity? For example: Circulation […]
Which is the transfer of genes from one population to another?
Gene flow Gene flow is also called gene migration. Gene flow is the transfer of genetic material from one population to another. Gene flow can take place between two populations of the same species through migration, and is mediated by reproduction and vertical gene transfer from parent to offspring. What do we call the transfer […]
How is output related to capacity?
Regardless of whether or not capacity is defined according to an engineering maximum, a technological or purely physical maximum, or an economic optimum, capacity refers to a potential output level (e.g. the maximum potential number of automobiles a car manufacturer could produce, or the number of automobiles that must … How do you calculate economic […]
What does *-* mean in texting?
In Love is the most common definition for *_* on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. *_* Definition: In Love. What is the meaning of using *? verb (used with object), used, us·ing. to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of: to use a knife. to avail oneself of; apply to […]
Are facts and figures in raw form quizlet?
Data are facts or figures in raw form. Is a technology that stores information such as a unique serial number? Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a data storage and retrieval system that uses devices called tags, transponders, or RFID tags. The fundamental purpose of RFID technology is to transmit the identity of an object (similar […]
Is the most satiating of all nutrients?
A hierarchy has been observed for the satiating efficacies of the macronutrients protein, carbohydrate and fat, with protein as most satiating and fat as least satiating. Which of the following is a hormone that influences hunger and or satiety? The hormone leptin regulates the amount of fat in the adipose tissue, in addition to having […]
What does evidence of teaching effectiveness mean?
Types of evidence of teaching effectiveness include: student evaluations; the assessments of faculty members based on class visitations or attendance at public lectures; departmental review of syllabi, exams, assignments, and other materials; the number and caliber of students mentored by the candidate; and the … What are the indicators of effective teaching? 10 Indicators of […]
What is Carica papaya used for?
Papaya is a plant. The leaves are used to make medicine. Papaya is used for preventing and treating gastrointestinal tract disorders, intestinal parasite infections, and as a sedative and diuretic. It is also used for nerve pains (neuralgia) and elephantoid growths. Is Carica papaya effective? Conclusions: It is concluded that Carica papaya leaf extract increases […]
What is C n0?
In satellite communications, carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) is the ratio of the carrier power C to the noise power density N0, expressed in dB-Hz. When considering only the receiver as a source of noise, it is called carrier-to-receiver-noise-density ratio. What is a good C n0? The typical C/N0 value of an ideal GPS receiver ranges from […]
How is machupo spread?
Transmission: Machupo virus is spread through aerosolized, food-borne, or direct contact of virus particles. These particles result from the saliva, urine, or feces of Calomys callosus, the field mouse reservoir of the virus. Who discovered Machupo virus? BHF was first identified in 1963 as an ambisense RNA virus of the Arenaviridae family, by a research […]
¿Qué es y para qué sirve ácido linoleico?
El ácido linoleico conjugado se encuentra en aceites vegetales y, especialmente, en la carne y la leche procedente de animales rumiantes. En los últimos años se le han atribuido propiedades para la reducción de los niveles de colesterol y materia grasa en el organismo, lo que favorecería la pérdida de peso corporal. ¿Cómo tomar el […]
What attribute can have only one value?
Single-valued Attribute Single-valued Attribute This attribute has only one value. It is represented by a simple oval. Some simple attribute can also be a single-valued attribute. For example, the Section of ‘Student’ is a simple attribute as it can’t be further divided. What attribute is one that Cannot be subdivided? simple attributes Attributes that cannot […]
¿Qué valor de TSH se considera alto?
El hipotiroidismo se define por concentraciones de TSH elevada con T4L normal y se clasifica en: Leve: Entre 4.5-10.0 mUI/L. Representa cerca del 90% de los casos y la causa más frecuente es la autoinmune. Severo: mayor de 10 mUI/L. ¿Qué valores de TSH indica hipotiroidismo? Hipotiroidismo subclínico es definido por los expertos como una […]
Which of the following organ or structures would be found in the left iliac region?
The main organs in the left iliac fossa are the descending colon, sigmoid colon and, in women, internal reproductive organs. An infection of the left iliac fossa must lead the clinician firstly to suspect diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon in older patients and salpingitis in women of childbearing age. Which of the following organs or […]
What does equitable subrogation mean?
Equitable subrogation is a legal doctrine that allows a party that has made payments on behalf of another party to lay claim to the recovery of damages or funds from a third-party. Equitable subrogation is a legal concept that allows one party to replace another party when it comes to a legal right. What is […]
What did Hobbes mean by war of all against all?
THE ARGUMENT. Hobbes argues that people living in a state of nature, without a common power over them to keep them in awe, are in a state of war of every person against every other. Why is the state of nature a war of all against all? Thus is the constant fear of anyone that […]
What is the major monosaccharide in the body quizlet?
glucose (major monosaccharide found in the body/ blood sugar), fructose (fruit sugar; converted to glucose), and galactose (closely related to glucose). What is the major monosaccharides found in fruit? Fructose Fructose is a 6-carbon ketose found in fruit and honey as a monosaccharide, and in sucrose (a disaccharide of fructose and glucose). What are 3 […]
What is a measure of the intensity of competitive behavior among companies in an industry?
Answer: CHARACTER OF RIVALRY is the measure of the intensity of competitive behavior between companies in an industry. Is a measure of the intensity of competitive behavior among companies in an industry quizlet? is a measure of the intensity of competitive behavior among companies in an industry. Which of the following best describes competitive inertia? […]
What are examples of ecotones?
Ecotone is the zone where two communities meet and integrate. For e.g. the mangrove forests represent an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem. Other examples are grassland (between forest and desert), estuary (between fresh water and salt water) and riverbank or marshland (between dry and wet). What is meant by ecotones? Ecotones are areas of […]
What does waving the bloody shirt mean Apush?
Waving the bloody shirt. The slogan bloody-shirt was a strong campaign slogan used by the Republicans in the presidential elections of 1868. It was used to blame the Democrats for the Civil War which cost the lives of many Americans. This was the first time that the Civil War was used in a presidential election. […]
What is || A || in Matrix?
15.311 General properties The matrix norm ||A|| of a square matrix A is a nonnegative number associated with A having the properties that. 1. ||A|| > 0 when A ≠ 0 and ||A|| = 0 if, and only if, A = 0; 2. What does || || mean in linear algebra? Norm of a Vector […]